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Versioning an API

Sam Ciaramilaro • December 10, 2022


API versioning is the process of changing the interface of an API to ensure it is up-to-date and able to meet the needs of its users. Versioning can help you make sure that your API remains compatible with existing applications and also allows you to introduce new features without breaking existing applications. Let's take a look at some best practices for REST API versioning and how to implement them.

Why Version?

Versioning your REST API can help you maintain compatibility with existing applications, introduce new features without breaking existing applications, and allow for more efficient development cycles. With versioning, you can add new features without worrying about breaking existing code, as long as all versions of your API are supported. This allows developers to more easily make changes without worrying about compatibility issues.

Versioning Strategies

There are a few strategies when it comes to versioning a REST API. They include:

How to Implement Versioning

When it comes to implementing versioning on your APIs there are a few important steps to take:


API versioning is an important practice for ensuring compatibility between versions and allowing for more efficient development cycles when introducing new features or enhancements into an application’s architecture. By following these best practices you will be able ensure that your REST APIs remain up-to-date and compatible with existing applications while still allowing for innovation and progress within your application’s architecture